Thank you to all to the Forza Stefano Club Members, for selling Puravidas during A & B lunch!! It was truly a success. We raised more than $500 in bracelets! We couldn’t have done it without you all!! All these funds will go to the Teens in the Joedimaggio Children’s Hosptial facing cancer! #forzastefanoppchs #teenswithcancer
The Forza Stefano Club at PPCHS has been created! This club will help teens with cancer and give the students at PPCHS a hands on experience with the Forza Stefano Charitable Foundation
Forza Stefano Club PPCHS
Health Drive
Jeremiahs Ice Fundraiser
Forza Stefano Club held its first Health Drive of the year! We collected Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Gloves, Chlorine Wipes, and disinfecting products to send to the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital! These donations will go to the teens in the cancer department!
Thank you for all of your donations!
Thank you to everyone who came to support the PPCHS Forza Stefano Club at Jeremiah's Italian Ice! Without you, this event would not have been a success! We are incredibly grateful for our members, board officers, and our sponsor!! All these funds will be used to help teens with cancer!
Pura Vida Sale During PPCHS Lunches